Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 10, 2016

Accepting Credit Cards and VTC Pay on Your eCommerce Site

In Start Your Own e-Business, the staff at Entrepreneur Press and writer Rich Mintzer explain how to build a dotcom business that will succeed. In this book, you'll find recipes for success, road maps that pinpoint the hazards, and dozens of interviews with dotcom entrepreneurs who've proved they’ve got what it takes to survive in this sometimes fickle marketplace. In this edited excerpt, the authors discuss the two types of online payment processors you can use on your ecommerce site.

Thanks to the growth of ecommerce sites over the past ten years, credit card accounts are now very easy to set up on your site. The common methods of accepting credit card payments is either by using your own merchant account or by utilizing a payment gateway account, also known as a third-party merchant.

Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 10, 2016

Online payment of E-commerce in Vietnam and what the future holds for the domestic market

The fast growing rate of Internet users is one of the most notable aspects of Vietnam economy with up to 40 per cent of its people using Internet. According to statistics from the industry and trade ministry’s E-commerce and Information Technology Agency (VECITA), Internet and mobile play an important role in consumers’ trading with nearly 60% of online users conducting online purchases.